“When you know how many times we had to vote for right-wing guys” – Libération

“When you know how many times we had to vote for right-wing guys” – Libération
“When you know how many times we had to vote for right-wing guys” – Libération

Political friction

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Legislative elections 2024dossier

Usually, on Tuesdays, they play handball. But yesterday, these fifty-somethings, mostly teachers, found themselves in a bar for the French team’s Euro football match, and in front of a bitter political discussion. Tenth episode of our “Politics Frictions” series.

Political friction

Until the eve of the first round of the legislative elections, “Libé” travels through places of daily life to capture and recount these moments of impromptu discussion where, suddenly, politics erupts.

It’s a room from the outset, a locker room atmosphere: “But how are you dressed, do you go to school like that? With Bardella in power, that’s all over!” mocks Sylvain. Jérôme, 50, in Bermuda sneakers, came directly from the school where he teaches, an REP+ establishment in the north of Marseille. Sylvain, 51, is also a teacher, but in a private high school in a rather privileged district, therefore on vacation because of his baccalaureate. Kader waves to them on the sidewalk opposite. Also a teacher, he returned from the creeks where he spent the day with his students from a vocational high school in a sensitive area. Head to Glam Rock, a pub in Marseille city center already packed at 6 p.m., Tuesday June 25. Several giant screens are out: this evening, the France team faces Poland for the Euro football tournament.

“Monday at school, I had the impression that everyone had taken a hit on the pot”

For this trio, from September to May and usually on Tuesdays, it’s handball training evening at the gym: these lifelong friends have formed a team of veterans, just to maintain the body and the friendship. Politically, in the group mainly made up of fifty or more people, people vote quite a bit on the center right or left, or even on the right. The three teachers will vote without hesitation for No



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