Swore. Risks at work: an awareness day at Franc Comtoise de Confort | Weekly 39

Falling from a height is one of the major risks.

Last Friday, all employees of the FFC enterprise group (Franc-Comtoise de comfort in Dole, Cottier Faivre in Lons) participated in a day of training and awareness of major risks at work. An initiative that emerged following a diagnosis carried out within the company by the OPPBTP (Professional organization for the prevention of building and public works).
The diagnosis identified several points for improvement, we had to modify our operation, for this I wanted to launch a collective reflection by involving all of our employees, by questioning them with a questionnaire and having real feedback from the field. » relates Pierre Worms CEO.

5 major risks

Road risk prevention workshop led by Aldo Ferreira De Souza of the League Against Road Violence 39.

An internal questionnaire which revealed 5 major risks (which could lead to serious injuries or death): the risk of falling, lifting a load with risk of crushing, electrocution, road risk and the cutoff.

Theoretical and practical workshops around these 5 risks were deployed, led by employees or external speakers with the participation of occupational medicine, the league against road violence and the consultancy firm Cétos management.

By going through these workshops in groups, employees were able to learn more about lifesaving actions. Safety instructions have been reminded, such as: carefully check the condition of your vehicle and properly secure the equipment on and in the vehicle for transport to the site. Wear protective insulating gloves to protect yourself from electric shock.

Electrical risk workshop.

Throughout the workshops, the discussions were rich and there was no shortage of questions. A day which also proved to be unifying “ This is the first time that all the group’s employees have come together » explained Pierre Worms.

In 2022, 738 recognized fatal accidents were recorded in France (health insurance source).

Installation planned for September in the new premises.

Pierre Worms in what will be the reception hall of the new headquarters.

As we indicated a few weeks ago, Franc-Comtoise de Confort and its employees will move to their new premises on rue Audemar Guyon in the Epenottes area. Pierre Worms is counting on an installation for the month of September.
Covering 1,800m2, the wooden frame building will house an exhibition space on the ground floor, a stock and product reception area and on the upper floor offices and a large meeting room.




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