“We are at a crucial moment in the history of our country”

“We are at a crucial moment in the history of our country”
“We are at a crucial moment in the history of our country”

Beyond the political situation in France, the captain of the Blues took stock on the eve of Austria-France, Monday, in Düsseldorf.

Special envoys to Düsseldorf

The FFF press release and the legislative elections : “Yes, I heard about this press release. We are at a crucial moment in the history of our country. You have to know how to sort things out and have a sense of priorities. We are citizens but we must not be disconnected from the world around us. We are in an unprecedented situation. I want to address the French people, the young generation. We see very clearly that the extremes are at the gates of power. We have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. I call on all young people to vote. The country needs to identify with our values ​​of diversity, tolerance and respect. It’s undeniable. Each account is not to be neglected. I hope we make the right choice and that we will still be proud to wear this jersey on the 7th (day of the second round).”

Marcus Thuram’s stance against the far right : “I share the same values ​​as Marcus. Tolerance, diversity and respect, I am with him. He didn’t go too far. We are still in a country where there is freedom of expression. He gave his opinion and I side with him.

There is a much more important situation than the match

Kylian Mbappé

Concentration despite the context : “You have often been criticized for things by journalists, by people, but you have a sense of priorities. Tomorrow’s match is very important. But there is a much more important situation than the match. We are very focused, we have prepared as best as possible, it is up to us the managers and me the captain to ensure that we are concentrated, we are going to defend the colors of the country to start the Euro well. One does not prevent the other. We are great players and that’s what we get paid for.”

Collective commitment : “As a team, we thought about doing something, to try to protect this competition, without being indifferent to the situation. We’re going to do it as a team, and that’s important to us. This helps protect younger people who do not know or do not master the subject. We also want to protect these guys, so that they don’t give the impression that they don’t care. This is not the case. We want to protect the players and the French team. We thought about it and we’re going to do something soon.”

Fathers Day : “I sent a message to my father but he is at my brother’s (Ethan) match, I hope he will answer me afterwards (smile).”

I have the head, we’ll see tomorrow if I have the legs

Kylian Mbappé

A point about his physique : “The most important thing is the mind, I am ready to do anything to win. I’d rather have the head than the legs, it’s better to have both. I have the head, we’ll see tomorrow if I have the legs. The important thing is to be invested in the match.”

Against the extremes : “Kylian Mbappé is against extremes, ideas that divide. We have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. Lots of people are unaware. I try to give voice to speak to people of my generation. One voice counts, all voices count. I want to be proud to wear this jersey on the 7th. We often say that we should not mix politics and football, it is more important than tomorrow’s match. Today the country is in a very important situation. What if I differentiate between the extremes? No, because these are ideas that divide. I am for ideas that bring people together.”

Spain : “It’s a great team. She made a good impression against Croatia. Everyone is going to watch Spain’s matches. I wish them the best.”

Its use in the field : “I spoke with the coach when I arrived, he wanted to see me to talk tactics and told me that I could play in several positions. I am ready for all positions and to give everything for this team. As long as it’s not on the bench I’ll adapt.

The Olympics : “I will not participate in the Olympics, my club has made it clear. I will wish this team the best, I will watch all the matches and I hope they bring home the gold medal.

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