Host Elodie Ageron (Animals for adoption) suspected of abuse: disturbing videos, she explains

Host Elodie Ageron (Animals for adoption) suspected of abuse: disturbing videos, she explains
Host Elodie Ageron (Animals for adoption) suspected of abuse: disturbing videos, she explains

While on Sud radio this Friday, June 28, one of the figures of the show “Animaux à adopte” had to explain her way of training her own dog. The reason: videos that she regularly shares on social networks seem to be disturbing.

Host Elodie Ageron (Animals for adoption) suspected of abuse: disturbing videos, she explains

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In 2018, C8 launched the show Animals for adoption. And the success was immediate. It is therefore with undisguised pleasure that the initiators of this project, Elodie Ageron and Sandrine Arcizetcelebrate this Friday, June 28, the 100th episode of the program.

On this occasion, they were guests of Sud Radio, in the show of Valérie Expert and Gilles Ganzmann. They naturally returned to the concept ofAnimals to adopt, but also on what awaits viewers with this anniversary issue and on the need to adopt, even more so during the summer, a period when unfortunately there are still far too many abandonments. But Elodie Ageron also raised a more personal subject.

I don’t think it’s abuse

Indeed, the one who was Frank Alamo’s daughter-in-law was questioned about the videos that she posts from time to time on her social networks and which feature his dog Reepers. An adorable staffy who always appears very well behaved. Problem, Elodie Ageron’s education technique is sometimes criticized by Internet users.

For good reason, the latter would use so-called frustration methods to make her dog listen to her. A form of abuse for some. But the pretty blonde sticks to her guns and is convinced that her way of doing things is the right one! “Sometimes I make videos with him, I don’t think it’s abuseeven if I sometimes get messages like: ‘that’s not good’. It is also important to teach frustration to animals, as well as to children, but sometimes it is poorly perceived“, she reacted to the microphone of Sud Radio. As an example, Elodie Ageron explained that she made Reepers wait to eat after putting food under his nose, with the aim of teaching him obedience and patience.

Looking at her Instagram page, however, there is no doubt that Elodie Ageron is a good teacher for her little Reepers whom she showers with love on a daily basis. Even more so since the animal came close to death after being caught in a fire. He had then been ttransferred to the veterinary hospital under oxygen and came out with edema, ulcers in the eyes, a burned trachea and major respiratory problems. Fortunately, today, everything is much better!



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