Joe Biden faced with the consequences of a debate between absences and excesses – Libération

Joe Biden faced with the consequences of a debate between absences and excesses – Libération
Joe Biden faced with the consequences of a debate between absences and excesses – Libération


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2024 US Electionsdossier

The physical failures of the president in office, otherwise solid in substance, during the television debate opposing him to his rival, allowed Donald Trump to calmly pour out his anthology of insults, fabrications and lies.

I am braillait le Don’t Stop Me Now Queen’s song shortly before a roaring Joe Biden took to the stage at a campaign rally Friday in Raleigh, North Carolina, less than twenty-four hours after his disastrous performance in his first debate with Donald Trump since 2020 sent many in his camp and commentators into a state of feverish panic. Four months before an election with unprecedented stakes for American democracy, where he is seeking re-election for four years, can Joe Biden continue as if nothing had happened, and retreat to the end into the pride and denial that seem to be the two faces of his stubbornness? Or should he give in to the suddenly thunderous calls to cede his seat and the Democratic nomination to another candidate?, that it would be up to the party to determine at its convention in mid-August in Chicago?

As the president embarked on a fundraising marathon in the New York area, his campaign highlighted the record volume of donations received in the hour following the end of the debate the previous day.



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