Open and tolerant France on the brink of the abyss – Libération

Open and tolerant France on the brink of the abyss – Libération
Open and tolerant France on the brink of the abyss – Libération


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2024 legislative electionsdossier

Since the victory of the extreme right on June 9, racist, sexist, LGBTphobic violence has been surging in France. From Marseille to Pas-de-Calais, from Saint-Denis to Hérault, “Libération” gives voice to many French people who fear in their flesh the arrival of the RN in power.

Aurélien is at the end of his rope. Every evening, he slips leaflets from the New Popular Front into the capital’s mailboxes. The environmental activist is scratching his head. He has lost his bearings. “I have the impression that the campaign started months ago when Macron announced the dissolution on June 9. It seems endless, he said as he exited the metro. And I don’t know how this story is going to end. One day, after a discussion, I tell myself that it can work. The next day, after another discussion, I tell myself that it’s shit.”

The campaign for the first round of the legislative elections is coming to an end. The truth is near. The second round will be shorter; surely more violent. The last few days prove it. Racist and violent acts are exploding: threats, violence and unbridled words. The outgoing MP in Paris Sandrine Rousseau is handing out leaflets near Place d’Italie and comparing the eras. “Racialized activists who campaign with me receive racist insults every day. That never happened in 2022. The period is really scary. Something has broken since the European elections, it is extremely violent.”

Everyone is targeted. Politics. Outgoing National Rally MP Roger Chudeau declared – “in his name” – that binational ministers should not be in a government. This poses a “dual loyalty problem”. Roger Chudeau took former Minister of Education Naj as an example



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