Death of Timo Leonetti at 22: the young paragliding hopeful died tragically during the French championships

Death of Timo Leonetti at 22: the young paragliding hopeful died tragically during the French championships
Death of Timo Leonetti at 22: the young paragliding hopeful died tragically during the French championships

Tragic news! This Thursday, June 13, 2024 in Haute-Savoie, Timo Leonetti, young paragliding prodigy, was the victim of a serious accident during the French championships. Unfortunately, the 22-year-old athlete did not survive his injuries…

The world of sport is in mourning! Being considered one of the most promising paragliders of his generation, Timo Leonetti was the victim this Thursday, June 13, 2024, of a terrible accident while he was participating in the French paragliding championships in Plaine Joux in Haute Savoie as reported Corsica-Morning. After the incident, the 22-year-old Corsican athlete was transported “in critical condition” at Annecy hospital. Unfortunately, the day after his treatment, the main person concerned succumbed to his injuries. During his lifetime, Timo Leonetti will have marked the history of his discipline.

In 2022 and 2023, the paraglider was named the big winner of the World Parisian. At the same time, the main person concerned had brilliantly distinguished himself in renowned world competitions. Whether triangular or distance courses, Timo Leonetti has several times been able to distinguish himself from his pulverizing competitors thus countless records. He was the first athlete to achieve flights of more than 500km on two continents, 562 km in South Africa last year and 569 km in Brazil in 2023.

“His memory will accompany us on each of our flights”

In his homeland, Timo Leonetti made an impression with a new record by covering 193 km in 8 hours… Never before seen on the island of beauty! On the Web, large numbers, marked by his tragic disappearance, saluted his memory. “His passion and dedication to paragliding was unparalleled, and he was respected and admired by his peers for his expertise and sportsmanship. Timo leaves us inleaving behind him an immense void, both with his family, his friends, and the paragliding community”reacted the French Free Flight Federation (FFVL) on the Web.

A terrible sorrow equally shared by the Futtiventu paragliding clubin which he was registered, in Corte. “Timo was respected and admired by all pilots in the world, loved in Corsica for his sympathy and enthusiasm (…) and his memory will accompany us in each of our flights. He leaves behind him an immense void. For its part, the sports association announced with a heavy heart.



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