Near Flers, a woman prosecuted for violence against her husband

Near Flers, a woman prosecuted for violence against her husband
Near Flers, a woman prosecuted for violence against her husband


Editorial Flers

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 9:04 a.m.

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A woman from Saint-Pierre-d’Entremont (Orne), aged 48, was summoned to appear this Tuesday, June 11, 2024 before the judicial court of Argentan for violence without incapacity committed against her husband with whom she is in the process of divorcing. At the end of the debates, the judgment was reserved until July 9.

She evokes an angry man

As unfortunately too often, it was again a couple who appeared, this Tuesday, June 11, 2024, before the Argentan judicial court for violence. Except that, this time, the victim is the husband.

This couple, in the process of divorce, has been separated since the summer of 2021, and this affair begins at the end of the year. The gendarmes of the Flers brigade are called upon to intervene in a family dispute in Saint-Pierre-d’Entremont, at home.

According to the woman, her husband got angry when she told him that she was asking for compensatory benefits.

He allegedly grabbed her by the collar and threatened with his fist. She evokes a angry man who broke everything in the house when he got angry. A man who attacked her psychologically by insulting her. She will even denounce acts of a sexual nature.

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Wife becomes “hysterical”

When he was placed in police custody, he denied the facts and declared to the police that he himself had been victim of violence on behalf of his wife and wishes to file a complaint.

He explains that, on March 8, 2022, when he came to his house with his brother to collect his belongings, his wife became hysterical. She rushed at him, brandishing a rotisserie and telling him she was going to smash him. She allegedly ripped off his glasses, which broke, and scratched him.

This little 48-year-old blonde woman explains to the court that she did indeed take this brooch, but to defend herself. She would have asked her husband and her brother to leave, but for many minutes, he would not stop provoking her, to insult her while filming her.

She admits to having taken her glasses, but denies everything else. For her, he scratched himself. He would also have thanked her by telling her that she did what he expected.

“I never attacked my wife”

“It’s all lies, I’ve never been violent. I never attacked my wife or her son,” declares the victim who recognizes thathe had drunk. Its level was 0.32 mg/l of expired air.

He explains that he just wanted his fishing equipment and his car back. In no way was he aggressive. She was the one who became hysterical and called the police.

THE district Attorney says he is “amazed to see everyone always wanting to stir things up, targeting the smallest detail, the smallest message”. For him, this woman’s actions were not, as it was, necessary.

Violence is never legitimate. She was in a tunnel effect.

The prosecutor

The facts are characterized and, in repression, he required an awareness course on the domestic violence which it must carry out at its own expense within a period of six months.

The judgment is reserved and the court’s decision will be rendered at the hearing of Tuesday July 9, 2024.

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