19-year-old stabbed to death, what his dog has done since is heartbreaking

19-year-old stabbed to death, what his dog has done since is heartbreaking
19-year-old stabbed to death, what his dog has done since is heartbreaking

The life of Barnaby Webber, a 19-year-old who loved cricket and rugby, was abruptly cut short on June 13 last year, says The Mirror. His tragic death left a huge void in the lives of his family and friends,
but also in that of his dog, Dougie, an 11-year-old Jack Russell/chihuahua cross. The days following this tragedy were marked by a series of heartbreaking behaviors from Dougie, revealing the depth of his grief.

In Barnaby’s room, a stuffed toy lies motionless on the bed. Dougie left it there the day his young master died and hasn’t touched it since.. This simple, yet poignant gesture symbolizes the unwavering bond between the animal and its human, and highlights the silent, but palpable pain felt by Barnaby’s faithful companion.

“It’s a comfort, as if he was still there”

Emma, ​​Barnaby’s mother, speaks with emotion of the little rituals that help her feel connected to her missing son. Every evening, she enters Barnaby’s room to turn the light on and off, as if to maintain a presence, a continuity. “It’s a comfort, as if he were still there,” she confides.

Everywhere she goes, Emma is surrounded by memories of her son. Cards and letters addressed simply to “Barney’s parents, Taunton“continue to pour in daily, bringing messages of support and condolences from complete strangers.”In such a dark world, these gestures remind us that there is still good,” she says. “The people are mostly decent, and these little touches, like a lady giving me flowers at M&S, touch us deeply.

“He called him ‘Big Man'”

Since Barnaby’s death, Dougie has been exhibiting unusual behavior. The day Barnaby was killed, Dougie left a stuffed giraffe on his owner’s bed. Since then, he hasn’t touched it, as if he understood that something terrible had happened. Emma also notices that Dougie seemed to feel Barnaby’s absence, a silent demonstration of the impact this loss has on everyone in the family, including their faithful four-legged companion.

This poignant behavior from Dougie reflects the depth of the bond that existed between him and Barnaby. “Barney loved Dougie,” remembers Emma. “He called him ‘Big Man’.

Similar stories that went around the world

The love and loyalty of dogs towards their masters is no longer in doubt. Many stories tell how these animals expressed their grief over the loss of their favorite human. Hachiko is probably the most famous story. This Akita dog waited for his master, a university professor, every day at Shibuya station in Tokyo. The professor died in 1925, but Hachiko continued to come to the station every day for nine years, until his own death in 1935. Since then, a statue has been erected at Shibuya Station, becoming a meeting point for many people.

Another poignant example is that of Greyfriars Bobby, a Skye Terrier who watched over his master’s grave for 14 years in Edinburgh, in Scotland. Bobby’s owner, a policeman, died in 1872. The dog was chased from the cemetery several times, but he always returned. His story has also been immortalized in a statue and a film.



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