Photographer Jérémy Hardy wants to give another image of Taiwan

Photographer Jérémy Hardy wants to give another image of Taiwan
Photographer Jérémy Hardy wants to give another image of Taiwan

A new photography exhibition is in place at the Terres de Jeanne cellar, until July 31. The artist, Jérémy Hardy, presented his work during the opening on Saturday June 8. On the walls are displayed photographs of Taiwan, under the title Discover the riches of a little-known country. Photographs with strong contrasts, with beautiful bright colors accentuated by dark areas.

Many photographs are presented under glass, some are printed on photo paper and hung on a magnetic wooden support as in Japan. He decided to present his work in large formats to have more impact. In these images, the subject is highlighted by perspectives with very significant cropping and effects of light. For Jeremy, “Each photo has a story, I want to bring out the beauty of Taiwan which often has too many negative prejudices.”

Passionate about photography since childhood, then professional since 2020, Jérémy has had the chance to travel to several Asian countries. Stopped by Covid, he took the opportunity to train professionally.

“A country with big Chinese influences”

In 2021, he went on a working holiday permit to Taiwan where he was won over. “Falling in love with this country, which combines lush nature, caring people and incredible culture, it was impossible for me not to share the experience that I had the opportunity to live, explains the artist. It’s a country with big Chinese influences. They were first and foremost an aboriginal people, colonized by Japan with a strong Japanese religious culture.” Jérémy Hardy continues, “in 2021, The Economist newspaper described Taiwan as the most dangerous place in the world. My wife and I had been living on the island for a month.” Far from Covid, they first spent two weeks in quarantine then were able to discover the landscapes and culture freely. “When we arrived in Taiwan we knew nothing. We were immediately struck by the smell of the streets which reminded us of Chinese spices. Taipei is a mixture of Asian influences. Surrounded by mountains, the island exudes beauty The multitude of colorful temples is worth the detour. So I hope that this little exhibition will give back a little of the love that it has given us so much, far from the dangerous or distorted image with the eternal made in Taiwan. that Westerners have of the island. It is, on the contrary, a technological power, a model of modern and progressive democracy fighting for its values ​​and its independence.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 63 17 61 57



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