EU gas supplies: persistent risks

EU gas supplies: persistent risks
EU gas supplies: persistent risks

If the framework in favor of gas availability has indeed been apprehended by the EU according to the CEC, it has not finished developing that of thefinancial accessibilitywhich was, before the crisis, only approached from the angle of energy poverty.

Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of October 25, 2017 provides for a solidarity mechanism between Member States, which underpins the EU’s energy policy. Neighboring countries of a state lacking gas are required to provide it upon request under this mechanism.

In December 2018, none of the 40 solidarity agreements deemed necessary by the Commission had not been passed. In May 2020, the Commission launched infringement procedures against 25 Member States, including France, for non-respect of this solidarity.

Until January 2024, eight chords had been concluded.

The selection process of gas projects of common interest (PIC) is complex and their effects are not clear, believes the CEC, which also deplores the slowness of Member States in their approval with regard to other gas infrastructure projects.

The CEC recommends, so that the EU is able to respond to a new gas crisis:

  • to complete the establishment of the EU framework for gas affordability ;
  • to strengthen the communication of information between Member States and review the structure of regional cooperation ;
  • make more transparent implementation of PICs.


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