A Rémois wins €50,000 playing with RTL2 radio

A Rémois wins €50,000 playing with RTL2 radio
A Rémois wins €50,000 playing with RTL2 radio

He has listened to the same radio every morning for five years. Since a professional reconversion and a new job as an after-sales service technician in agriculture. Mathieu, 35 years old, is “roving”: “So I get up early and I always put the radio on in my car. »

This Thursday, May 23, this resident of a town near Reims did not expect to win the jackpot, the nice little sum of €50,000 at stake in the “Bank Game” of the morning show “Le Double Expresso”, hosted by Gregory Ascher and Justine Salmon. “The worst part was that that day I had a lot of work so I got up even earlier than usual. And in the end, with all that, I couldn’t get started before 9:30 a.m.! »

“You never expect that!” So it doesn’t just happen to other people! »


Because ” on a whim “as he told it on the air, the Marnais sent a text message to participate in “the banking game” around 7 a.m. “It was the first time I tried my luck, I had heard the host say that there was €50,000 lying around so that made my mind…” After all, everything came together: “I was told that I was pre-selected, I had time to tell my girlfriend, I answered a short questionnaire, we did audio tests in an office where there was reception and I went to the ‘antenna. »

“A great joy”

The game starts, Mathieu opens a first chest, must decide whether he keeps the video game console or moves to another chest at the risk of losing everything. It’s at 8e safe, after having declined a connected speaker, 2 plane tickets to Venice or even a thalassotherapy stay, that the jackpot has fallen. “There, I was completely empty, it was a great joy. I felt like crying ! »

The emotional sequence with Mathieu’s reaction can be discovered right here:


On Wednesday June 12, Mathieu traveled, with his partner, to the M6 ​​group radio studios to participate in the morning show and, above all, for the official presentation of his check for €50,000. “It was a great time. The team is as nice in person as on the radio! »

Interviewed live, he expressed his feelings about this nice win. “You never expect that!” So it doesn’t just happen to other people! »

What is he going to do with all this money? “We’re going to finalize some work around the house, travel a bit… And then, I have an old collector’s car in the garage, an old Mini. This will help me finish its restoration. »



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