Tripod Torch: an amazing foldable and portable gas-powered camping stove

Tripod Torch: an amazing foldable and portable gas-powered camping stove
Tripod Torch: an amazing foldable and portable gas-powered camping stove

In France, as in many countries around the world, campfires are prohibited for obvious safety reasons. Indeed, article L131-1 of the Forest Code prohibits lighting a campfire less than 200 meters from a forest on land that you do not own. Therefore, unless you own the land you are camping on, you will have to do without the vigil around the campfire. The invention of an American start-up called Tripod Torch could bring you light and heat while minimizing the risk of fire. But, what is this funny invention, and why could it be successful with campers? I’ll explain everything to you.

Fire and light, yes, but not with wood!

The Tripod Torch is an innovation that was showcased at the Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, Arizona. This show is the unmissable meeting place for camping enthusiasts in the United States. The invention is presented as a torch placed on a tripod, which, therefore, does not come into contact with the ground. On the tripod there is a burner that runs on gas and causes an open flame which brings light and heat around it. Of course, it does not eliminate the dangers of a fire in the forest, but it minimizes the risk of spread, not being in contact with the ground. The manufacturer explains that this torch allows heat to radiate around it, rather than above it, as is the case with a campfire, to the wood.

This (authorized) device for lighting and heating replaces a wood fire, which is often prohibited. Photo credit: Tripod Torch

Authorized in certain sensitive locations

I admit I don’t really understand the nuance, because it produces flames, like a fire lit with wood. Nevertheless, in the USAit seems that the bans mainly concern those lit with wood. This torch runs on LPG would therefore circumvent the ban on lighting a fire… We will let you judge the relevance of this data! In this article, published on the New Atlas site, the journalist explains having checked with the United States National Forest Service, the Tripod Torch would indeed be authorized, thanks to its LPG operation and its on/off switch.

A portable and foldable device

To minimize the risk of tipover and wildfire or burns, the tripod torch is equipped with three stakes to secure each foot for better stability. Once the bivouac is finished, the tripod lamp disassembles into several pieces which fit into an almost flat case measuring 25 × 20 × 8 cm, weighing a total of 2.7 kg, including the heat shields. In addition, it has three thermal shields that attach around the burner to deflect the wind and redirect the heat. They can be used separately or together, forming a support for cooking.

Heat shields can be used as a support for cooking. Photo credit: Tripod Torch

In terms of fuel, the Tripod Torch works with propane tanks from 1.4 to 18 kg. Regarding the price, Tripod Torch was launched last year via a Kickstarter campaign. This year, it is offering its invention at the price of $189.99 (€177). Learn more about the concept? Visit the official website: What do you think of this invention? We would love to read your impressions or hear about your experience with it. And, if you notice an error in this article, please let us know. You can click here to post a comment.

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