Ukraine: ‘We do not have the right to lose,’ says Volodymyr Zelensky from the podium of the National Assembly | LCP

Ukraine: ‘We do not have the right to lose,’ says Volodymyr Zelensky from the podium of the National Assembly | LCP
Ukraine: ‘We do not have the right to lose,’ says Volodymyr Zelensky from the podium of the National Assembly | LCP

It was to the loud applause of the deputies that Volodymyr Zelensky has climbed at the podium of the National Assembly, this Friday, June 7 in the morning. Welcomed by the president of the institution, Yaël Braun-Pivethe delivered a speech lasting around twenty minutes, in the hemicycle of the Palais-Bourbon, in the presence of Gabriel Attal and members of the government, as well as former French Prime Ministers and Presidents of the Assembly – Alain Juppé, Manuel Valls and Jean-Louis Debré.

In the aftermath of commemorations of the Landing of June 6, 1944which he attended with other invited heads of state, including Joe Biden, the Ukrainian President presented a parallel between the situation of his country and the liberation of Europe 80 years earlier. He recalled the need to win the war against Vladimir Putin and thanked France for its commitmentwhile recalling that to have “peace, we need more“.

“Europe is no longer a continent of peace”

Volodymyr Zelensky began by commemorating the Normandy landings and the liberation of the European continent from Nazism in 1944.Without these victories, nothing would exist, there would be no freedom in Europe“, did he declare. “Without victory over Nazism, our entire continent would have remained a black stain in History“.

Our Europe is the result of the courage of the men and women of this era“, “vs“It was the choice of the people of the time to fight for victory, to prevent evil from taking over our homes.” he greeted, before drawing a clear comparison with the invasion of his country by Russia. “We live in a time where Europe is no longer a continent of peace, unfortunately, and at a time when Nazism is returning. Once again, towns were completely destroyed and villages were burned.

“We have no right to lose”

The Ukrainian president continued on the ongoing conflict, warning of a risk of spread “if Ukraine doesn’t win.We already see how this aggression can develop, the Baltic countries, Poland the Balkans, the Russian regime no longer knows any limits“, he warned.

It’s anti-Europe, that’s what Putin is

This “battle for Ukraine“now for Europe”a existential meaning“, he estimated, faced with a “common enemy“which challenges its values ​​and principles.”Dear France, Can Putin win this battle? No, because we don’t have the right to lose.

“I am grateful for everything you do”

France, thank you, declared Volodymyr Zelensky in French, eliciting a standing ovation from the deputies. Before continuing: “Thank you for standing with us to defend life. THANKS. THANKS.

He continued his thanks to France, in Ukrainian this time, for “having chosen the side of humanity in this war“, of the “THE first hours” of conflict.I know that I can count on you, on France, on your hearts, on your dedication to principles“. He also wanted to thank “French families” who have welcomed Ukrainian refugees since the first days of the conflict.

It is in Ukraine that the security of all Europe lieshe underlined, before a conclusion in the form of an appeal: “I’m grateful for what you’re already doingand that is already a lot, but for peace, more is needed, and that is not a reproach. We must do more today than yesterday to be closer to peace than evers“.



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