in , prices are stabilizing in dairy factories


Total intake of 792 animals.

Beef cattle : 282 including 12 oxen, 53 heifers, 192 cows, 7 bulls, 18 young cattle. The contributions are quite modest after this big All Saints’ Day weekend. Transactions are regular with prices remaining stable for good female Parthenaises, Blondes d'Aquitaine, Limousines or Charolaises of butcher quality. The sale is calm, but prices are stabilizing in Charolaises, Rouges des Prés and meaty crosses. The trend is also towards stabilization in entry-level sucklers, as well as for suitable Prim'Holsteins and Normande cows. Sorting remains severe in poor P-light cows. Trade is more active with a continued increase in young Charolais, Limousin, Rouges des Prés and Blonds d'Aquitaine cattle.

Interprofessional reference rating (source FMBV). | WEST FRANCE
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Interprofessional reference rating (source FMBV). | WEST FRANCE

The prices published are those observed on the market and must take into account approach and marketing costs.

Large, lean cattle : 510 animals including 114 calves, 112 large lean cattle for fattening and 284 grazers (132 females and 152 males. The presentation is suitable in quality. The sale is regular with prices which are maintained in the good Blondes d'Aquitaine females or Heavy Charolais Transactions remain selective in the more common livestock with prices revised downwards in grazers, contributions are less. important, but still with good lots of Charolais, Limousins ​​or Blonds d'Aquitaine The trade is calmer with prices just maintained in good Charolais, Limousins ​​or Blonds d'Aquitaine males. common. Transactions are active with sustained prices in good Charolais or Limousine females over 300kg. Prices are stable in ordinary ones.

Interprofessional reference rating (source FMBV). | WEST FRANCE
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Interprofessional reference rating (source FMBV). | WEST FRANCE

Plerin (22)

French pork market

Pigs presented: 2974.

Sold in the Ranking from €1,688 to €1,689.

Ex-farm price.

Regional quality charter remuneration (T): €0.02.

Moving average €1,907

Base 56 T.M.P : 1.689€ (0.000€).

Base 56 T.M.P + T : 1.709€

Comment : The French Pork Market experienced this Monday, for the second consecutive week, a stabilization of the price of the previous Thursday, i.e. an average price of €1,689. The variation in bids is also zero again, highlighting convergent positions on the part of buyers. Slaughter activity in week 44 amounted to 296,271 pigs, lower than the previous week due to 1is November, but 22,000 pigs higher than in 2023. The weights remained stable, symbol of a good match between supply and demand for a week with a public holiday. As far as Europe is concerned, the trends are continuing. Germany returns to stability, followed by the other northern countries except the Netherlands. In the south, Spain is seeing its prices trend downward again.



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