Murder of Leslie and Kevin: the last shocking gesture of the young woman revealed

Leslie Hoorelbeke, 22, and Kevin Trompat, 20, were brutally murdered in a case that continues to shake the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The confessions of Tom Trouillet, one of the main suspects, shed new and disturbing light on the events of that fatal night. Without a criminal record, the young man tries to dissociate his personality from the act he admits to having committed, evoking an inexplicable loss of control, as explained by The Parisian.

The psychiatric expertise carried out last February concluded that he had complete discernment at the time of the events, highlighting his lack of remorse towards Leslie and Kevin. Tom Trouillet, who usually describes himself as a calm person, distinctly remembers Leslie’s dark, desperate look when she asked him: “What are you doing, Tom?. This tragic moment is etched in his memory, as is the presence of a walker and his dog nearby, which contributed to the increase in panic.

Murder of Leslie and Kevin: an ambush that turned into a nightmare

Tom Trouillet, 23, had initially planned to steal the cocaine and money from Kevin Trompat, a drug dealer, with no intention of killing. But the situation quickly degenerated, under pressure from his accomplice Nathan Badji, who allegedly encouraged him to eliminate Leslie to avoid being discovered. Tom Trouillet affirms it. He acted out of obligation, regretting his action forever.

The young man also denies any romantic jealousy towards Kevin, despite the budding relationship between the latter and Leslie. According to him, Kevin had exploited him for months, taking advantage of his kindness and hospitality without ever paying a cent. Frustration and resentment ultimately led Tom Trouillet to a violent revenge, exacerbated by a 30,000 euro debt he owed to Kevin.

A manipulative attitude and all-consuming egocentrism

The expert psychiatrist highlights Tom Trouillet’s manipulative attitude and his all-consuming egocentrism. These personality traits stand out particularly in the account of the initial attack in Prahecq, where Tom Trouillet immobilized Leslie while his accomplice Mickaël hit her with a sharp weapon. Tom Trouillet especially remembers the scars left on his own knuckles by the machete blows, a symbol of his direct involvement in the violence.

The circumstances surrounding the removal of Leslie and Kevin’s bodies add a layer of cruelty to this case. After being buried in the Poitevin marsh, the bodies were moved several weeks later in an attempt to erase the evidence. Despite these attempts, investigators were able to reconstruct the sequence of events, thanks in part to Trouillet’s fragmentary confessions.

A chaotic journey marked by drugs

Tom Trouillet attributes his criminal drift to his polydrug addiction. His chaotic childhood, marked by the separation of his parents and an early addiction to drugs, helped to forge an impulsive and rigid personality.. Drugs like cannabis, ecstasy, LSD and ketamine shaped his journey, leading him to increasingly destructive behaviors.

The psychiatric expert also identified a pathological fear of abandonment in Tom Trouillet, exacerbated by the breakup with Leslie. This fear, combined with his desire for revenge and his debt of 30,000 euros, created an explosive cocktail that pushed him to commit the irreparable. Tom Trouillet also recognizes that drugs played a central role in his descent into hell.

Superficial regrets on the part of Tom Trouillet

During his interview with the psychiatrist, Tom Trouillet expressed superficial regrets regarding his fatal gesture towards Leslie. However, his speech is laced with resentment and a lack of true empathy. He seems more concerned about the scars on his hands than the suffering inflicted on his victims.

The expertise concludes in particular that Trouillet’s discernment was neither abolished nor altered during the events, emphasizing his full commitment to the ambush. The detailed description of the attack and the young man’s motivations reveals a complex personality, marked by a dangerous combination of impulsivity, manipulation and self-centeredness.



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