Nutritionist Says This ‘Simple’ Morning Food Change Will Set You Up for the Day

Nutritionist Says This ‘Simple’ Morning Food Change Will Set You Up for the Day
Nutritionist Says This ‘Simple’ Morning Food Change Will Set You Up for the Day

Improving our lifestyle is a change that sometimes happens gradually. And during this transition, we may need a helping hand. This is what English nutritionist Federica Amati shared in a conversation with presenter Gabby Logan in her podcast Midpoint.

Our daily food choices have a progressive impact on our daily health. These are the most important », Indicates the nutrition expert, who has worked with the World Health Organization. According to her, a small change to our breakfast habits could make a big difference and help us feel better throughout the day.

Satisfy and energize

A listener of the podcast asked Dr. Federica Amati if she had any advice on how to easily change your diet when juggling a busy daily schedule. “ You can improve your breakfast to prepare you for the rest of the day. It’s the simplest thing you can do », she replies, quoted by l’Express.

So make sure your breakfast is high in fiber, contains plants and is filling. Make it something that fills you up and gives you energy ”, she advises. Simple and efficient. Replacing your bowl of cereals rich in sugar with a real meal, rich in fiber and minerals, would therefore be the secret.

Four healthy snack ideas

Don’t you eat breakfast? The nutritionist also has advice. When you don’t eat anything in the morning, about 25% of calories come from snacks. “ So focus on your snacks, make them very healthy, because you can destroy a lot of your diet if you eat snacks that are not good “, she declares.

To conclude, the doctor listed some examples of healthy snacks, such as fresh fruit, mixed nuts, hummus and vegetables. These choices are ideal for maintaining a balanced diet.



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