Death of four young people in Libourne: two people in police custody, an open psychological cell

Death of four young people in Libourne: two people in police custody, an open psychological cell
Death of four young people in Libourne: two people in police custody, an open psychological cell


Anaelle Montagne

Published on

June 3, 2024 at 12:18 p.m.

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Four young people aged 16, 19 and 20 died following a tragic accident on the Libourne ring road, on the night of 1er to June 2, 2024. An unprecedented drama in Libourne, as painful as it is incomprehensible for its inhabitants.

It was around 2:30 a.m. when the vehicle left the road on a straight line between two roundabouts, and finished his race in a tree. When emergency services arrived, no other vehicles were on scene. However, it seems that two other drivers were involved in the accident.

Two individuals in police custody

When help arrived, three of the five young people who were in the car (two of them aged 19 and the other aged 20), were pronounced dead. A fourth 16-year-old boy died from his injuries in hospital. Only the fifth passenger, aged 19 and suffering from multiple trauma, is alive today.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, information regarding the circumstances of the accident still remained unclear. On the morning of June 2, the mayor of Libourne however clarified that they seemed “unfortunately extremely more complex than a simple road accident.

Finally, at the end of the day, the Libourne public prosecutor’s office added that “two individuals driving other vehicles were taken into custody”. The investigation opened for manslaughter and entrusted to COB of Libourne should make it possible to clarify the circumstances of the tragedy.

An open psychological cell

During the accident, the shock was “extremely violent”. The emergency services, gendarmes, municipal police officers and city agents who went to the scene that same evening were deeply shaken.

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The mayor of Libourne therefore decided to open a psychological help unit to accompany them. In a press release, he welcomed “the reaction of the emergency forces, firefighters, municipal police and gendarmerie, including the SAMU helicopter, who quickly intervened to limit the circumstances of this tragedy”.

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