After the mudslide which caused a death in Aisne, residents write a letter: “we feel abandoned”

After the mudslide which caused a death in Aisne, residents write a letter: “we feel abandoned”
After the mudslide which caused a death in Aisne, residents write a letter: “we feel abandoned”

On the night of May 1 to 2, 2024, torrential rain fell on the hamlet of Vignolles, in Courmelles (Aisne). A mudslide violently fell on five homes, causing the death of one person and forcing the evacuation of other residents. Two months later, local residents say they are worried and abandoned.

In early May, a violent rainy and stormy episode caused a runoff phenomenon and a significant mudslide in Courmelles, south of Soissons. Since then, the residents have been frustrated and feel abandoned. They wrote a letter, co-signed by a hundred people, to try to speed up the procedures.

This initiative was born because “several people were unsafe” and had no answers to their questions. “I wrote a purely factual letter today to forward it to all possible elected officials locally, regionally and in the department”explains Romain Svrcek, a resident of the commune.

The goal, for him, is to “bring them all together so that they can work hand in hand and, above all, so that things can move forward”.

The letter states that in 2021, a similar event of a smaller scale occurred. “There were verbal exchanges with local elected officials and nothing changed. Today, we put it back on paper. And in 2024, the entire neighborhood lives in fear and insecurity. So we asks that there be adjustments to the facts so that we can be more serene”he explains.

After 2021, residents thought that such an event would not happen for 10 or 20 years. It is clear that now, it is a “annual or even multi-annual threat”. The topography of the land “because we are in a bowl, all the water flows out”note Romain Svrcek.

So, how to do ? “I don’t have clear ideas. You have to put that in a design office.”. This is why the mail is also sent to the “consulting design office” to the environmental center concerned.

Around a hundred residents sent a letter to the competent authorities.

© Dounia Sirri / FTV

For his part, the mayor, Arnaud Svrcek, assures that he did everything to limit the damage with the means at his disposal. For example, “We urgently installed, at the start of the mudslide, large bales of straw with stakes so that the phenomenon would not happen again”.

The day after the disaster, he reported having filed a request for classification as a natural disaster. “I immediately approached the sub-prefect to organize a meeting in consultation with all the forces concerned by this problem: the president of Grand Soissons, the services of the Prefecture, the Chamber of Agriculture…”

He was offered three dates and he took the closest one. “Everyone freed themselves, we took stock to see what could be done and what could have been done because it was the legitimate question of those administered”. He specifies that it is difficult, as an elected official, to explain that the citizens’ deadline is different from the administrative deadline.

The origin of the mudslide is not in my town. I do not have the power to make adjustments to an external municipality because my municipality only served as a route to evacuate this excess water.

Arnaud Svrcek, mayor of Courmelles

He and the relevant authorities agreed that a study would be carried out. “We needed weather reports to know the exact amounts of rain”. Because it is the collection of this type of information that will allow specialists to present suitable solutions. “We cannot start with the creation of a pond if it is not a pond that needs to be created”the mayor says.

He declares that he is not “than a speaker without the skills”. However, he tries to create synergy on his scale and to permanently revive the prefecture to “that there is a state of natural disaster. Afterwards, obviously, there is no budget to do it because funds will be needed which will come from different organizations”.

The damage is still visible two months later.

© Dounia Sirri / FTV

It will also require authorizations that he is not able to have: “These are administrative delays, I have no control over things”. He nevertheless wishes to tell his constituents that he is “at their side” and do “the maximum”especially since having visibility is not easy. “From experience, when you tell someone that you will find solutions in the next month and 6 months later, nothing has been done, they will come and tell us that we are talking nonsense”.

The mayor therefore does not want “To sell dreams” to its inhabitants. “I know that in a surrounding town, having discussed it with the elected official, it took 7 years, I think. That’s not understandable. Then, we have a death, so it could still move things forward.”he concludes.



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