With 25 or 26 Red Devils at the Euro? Vercauteren gives a clear clue – All football

With 25 or 26 Red Devils at the Euro? Vercauteren gives a clear clue – All football
With 25 or 26 Red Devils at the Euro? Vercauteren gives a clear clue – All football

Domenico Tedesco has taken over 25 Red Devils, as well as two young people who act as “reserves” in these friendly matches. But will the coach take a 26th name as allowed by UEFA regulations?

Suspense reigned before Domenico Tedesco announces his group for Euro 2024: was he going to select 26 Red Devils, or 23 as he had already suggested was his preference? Finally, the German-Italian opted for a group of 25 players.

A group enhanced by two young U21s: Mandela Keita and Arne Engels, called up to make up their numbers during the friendlies and complete the group in the event of injury or uncertainty. We know in particular that Aster Vranckx was very uncertain.

But it is also possible that Belgium will go to Euro 2024 with 25 players if the whole group is 100% fit. Which seems to be on the right track, according to Frank Vercauteren: “It’s a shame that some are injured but they are progressing well. These friendly matches should lay the foundations for the Euro but also allow us to try things.”

The idea is to go to the Euro with 25 men and not 26, assures the technical director of the Belgian Union. “The plan is to go with 25, but everything will depend on injuries and uncertainties. We should only give the final selection on June 7,” recalls Frank Vercauteren.

One thing is certain: 26th place will not be taken by any player other than Keita or Engels. No more hope, therefore, for Batshuayi, Mertens, De Winter… or Courtois.



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