his mother threatened the police by shouting “Allah Akbar”

his mother threatened the police by shouting “Allah Akbar”
his mother threatened the police by shouting “Allah Akbar”

An 8-year-old girl was found dead in an apartment in Colmar (Haut-Rhin). Her mother “threatened the police officers with death, shouting ‘Allah Akbar'” before being arrested.

This Sunday, June 30, the police were called around 10:40 a.m. on Avenue de la République in Colmar (Haut-Rhin). A woman is throwing things from the window of her 3rd floor apartment while screaming. On site, the agents tried to establish contact with the young woman, who spoke in Arabic. In response, she threatens them with death by shouting “ God is great ».

The child was injured in the chest and face.

But as they climbed the firefighters’ ladder, the police were faced with something much more serious than an agitated madwoman. On the bed, the officers discovered a dead 8-year-old girl. She had been injured in the chest and face. The woman, clearly the victim’s mother, “ charged at the police officers shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ again », Tells a source close to the case to our colleagues at - 17. One of the officers used his electric shock weapon (ESP) to subdue her when she was out of control. Despite the lack of effect of this intermediate weapon, the police officers managed to bring the suspect to the ground to handcuff her. ».
A bloody knife was found in the apartment. For her part, the 21-year-old suspect was taken to hospital. She has no criminal record. An investigation has been opened and an autopsy should be carried out in the coming days to understand the circumstances of the girl’s death.



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