Murder of Federico Martin Aramburú: the investigation is over, the defense wants a dismissal of the charge of assassination

Murder of Federico Martin Aramburú: the investigation is over, the defense wants a dismissal of the charge of assassination
Murder of Federico Martin Aramburú: the investigation is over, the defense wants a dismissal of the charge of assassination

Next month promises to be decisive.

March 19, 2022, Federico Martin Aramburú died in the early morning after an altercation in a bar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Paris) which turned bad. The 42-year-old former Argentinian international rugby player, who spent time with the USAP between 2006 and 2008, was killed by several bullets.


The two main suspects in this murder are two far-right activists: Romain Bouvier et Loik Le Priolformer soldier and activist of the ultra-right movement Union Defense Group (GUD) who fled to Hungary after the incident before being arrested. They were indicted for “assassination” and imprisoned. A 24-year-old woman, Lyson R., presented as Loik Le Priol’s girlfriend, was also indicted for “complicity in murder” and placed in pre-trial detention. She is suspected of having driven a vehicle belonging to Mr. Le Priol on the evening of the events.

This Monday, RTL informs that the investigation carried out by the investigating judges has been completed. The affair thus enters a new chapter.

In fact, the different parties now have one month to act. During this time, the Paris prosecutor’s office must submit its requisitions and request (or not) a trial for assassination. What the advice of Federico Martin Aramburu and his friend Shaun Hegarty, present on the evening of the events, wants. But what the defense refutes. Still according to our colleagues, Me Vigier “announces its intention to file a request for dismissal of the charge of murder and the reclassification as intentional violence with weapons”.

The trial is not expected to take place until 2025.



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