Burkina Faso: the State issues a semi-mechanized gold mining permit

Burkina Faso: the State issues a semi-mechanized gold mining permit
Burkina Faso: the State issues a semi-mechanized gold mining permit

In Burkina Faso, the government granted a semi-mechanized gold mining permit to the Company Birba Hamidou and brothers Sarl. The decision was taken at the Council of Ministers on Wednesday May 29, 2024. An initiative which consists of strengthening the country’s local economy by creating job opportunities.

Burkina Faso: the Birba Hamidou and brothers Sarl company wins a gold mining permit from the government

In the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, May 29, the authorities examined and adopted on behalf of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries, a report concerning the granting of a semi-mechanized exploitation permit for gold to the company Birba Hamidou and brothers Sarl.

According to the council of ministers, it is a project which extends over an area of ​​ten (10) hectares and is based on the treatment of mining waste coming from the Yako site, in the commune of Ourgou-Manega, province of ‘Oubritenga, Plateau-Central region. It plans a total production of 32,256 kg of gold for a period of 4 years. Several advantages will be there for the Burkinabè State in order to effectively strengthen the local economy of the country by creating employment opportunities for youth.

Furthermore, revenues estimated at 75,479,040 CFA francs for royalties and 11,612,160 CFA francs for the Local Mining Fund are possible estimates for the evolution of the project. In detail, the government reassures and commits by granting this semi-mechanized gold mining permit to the company concerned after validation by the Council of Ministers.



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