A day for the birds

A day for the birds
A day for the birds

The Quality of Life association at La Source organized an event on biodiversity, focusing on birds.

Michel Languerre, president of the association, specifies that “this day is organized in partnership with the League for the Protection of Birds and Loiret Nature Environnement (LNE)”. These associations provide solutions to accommodate birds (shelter, choice of plants, nest boxes) and count species. Armed with binoculars, the forty participants scan the sky in search of the osprey, “star of Lake La Source,” says one of them.

Roland Granger, enlightened amateur ornithologist from the LNE du Loiret, emphasizes that “the bird population has changed, new species such as the great egret and the cattle egret have appeared and others have disappeared such as the peony bullfinch. I am also very worried about the sparrows because of urbanization, the climate and the lack of insects.”

Michel Languer recalls that “the Quality of Life at La Source association aims to preserve the living environment in the neighborhood. To do this, we ensure environmental protection by preserving wooded areas, because these trees produce oxygen but also provide shade during periods of extreme heat. It is essential to preserve them.” Furthermore, he “regrets the lack of involvement of the new residents of the neighborhood”. And also indicates his concern “about the deforestation of Limère, done without consultation”.

The association also works with schools, holds conferences and photo exhibitions to raise awareness of environmental protection.



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