Sillé-le-Philippe. A citizen day as active as ever

Sillé-le-Philippe. A citizen day as active as ever
Sillé-le-Philippe. A citizen day as active as ever

The Sillé-le-Philippe citizens’ day brought together around forty volunteers on Saturday for its 7the editing. A friendly annual meeting.

Around ten workshops were offered, organized by Liliane Mèche, deputy mayor and the “Local Life” commission. This year, it was about redoing the path between the sports hall and the city stadium. It had been roughly created during the construction of the city stadium, but the idea was to make it accessible to everyone, even wheelchairs and strollers. underlines Claudia Dugast, mayor. There was, moreover, the installation of blocks to secure the entrance/exit of the school, Place de la Gare, the repair of street furniture, the creation of decorations for the comice, the maintenance of the hiking trails , the preparation of the beds which will accommodate new trees, in the fall, in the Montaigu subdivision. The previous ones were removed because the variety was not suitable, their roots raised the asphalt. Workshops were offered in the town and in the countryside .

A friendly day

This day is above all convivial with also the meal prepared by volunteers, the distribution of snacks… This day is for and with the residents. The goal is always to mobilize them to carry out work together to beautify or improve the living environment in the form of very diverse workshops. It is also an opportunity to promote the sharing of skills, meetings between generations, and to build links added the mayor. It also allows new residents to get to know other people, which is interesting when you’ve just arrived. And as we are well received, it makes us want to invest more note Sandrine and Stéphanie, recently settled in Sillé. It is also important to participate in the life of our village. We should not expect everything from the municipality. For our part, we are here as a family, my partner is on another workshop. It’s important to roll up your sleeves, it’s also part of the values ​​that we want to pass on to our children also slips in one of these good wills.



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