The PLF 2025 faces the test of socio-economic challenges

The PLF 2025 faces the test of socio-economic challenges
The PLF 2025 faces the test of socio-economic challenges

As the draft finance law (PLF) for 2025 prepares to cross the threshold of its publication, the expectations of political parties are increasing, aspiring for bold and resolute decisions to face the complex situation that Morocco is going through. Indeed, the ever-changing challenges continue to surprise the government of the day, requiring strategic and thoughtful initiatives to skillfully navigate this disruptive reality.

The year 2024 was distinguished by the continuation of the implementation of the various reforms, driven by high royal instructions, in particular those linked to the generalization of social protection, the improvement of the education and health systems , the implementation of the investment charter and the improvement of the business climate. This dynamic of transformation has been maintained despite a difficult national context, marked by degraded prospects in the agricultural sector and the repercussions of the Al Haouz earthquake.

In this same vein, the PLF for the year 2025 will align with the continuity of the ambitions outlined by the government, as affirmed in the three-year budget execution and macroeconomic framework report issued by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. The challenge will mainly be to accelerate the dynamic of economic growth, stimulate job creation, reduce the poverty rate, guarantee budgetary balances and control inflation.

In this spirit, the Popular Movement (MP) party expects the government to propose, at the dawn of its last finance law of its mandate, concrete responses to achieve the objectives of its government program, which is at the intersection of complex economic, social and territorial issues.

Thus, following an objective evaluation of the overall results of government actions, while the Executive is preparing to begin its fourth year in office, the party considers this finance bill as a strategic platform conducive to the implementation implementation of outstanding electoral commitments, in order to restore confidence and catalyze a real socio-economic impact.

« The party expresses its wish that the project proposes concrete solutions for employment and investment, establishes regional and territorial justice in the distribution of public investments, and ensures fairness towards national companies, in particular SMEs and TPE“, we read in a recent press release from the MP.

In addition, he ardently aspires for the project to bring out innovative solutions in terms of tax justice and dynamic integration of the structured sector into the workings of the economy and society. Furthermore, he hopes that the latter will respond adequately to the aspirations of young people in the political, economic, social and cultural fields.

He hopes in particular that the government will take the initiative to re-evaluate its program which has “become obsolete” in the face of the multidimensional transformations our country is going through. This includes the adjustment of its decision-making processes as well as the establishment of a participatory cooperation framework with the legislative institution and the various actors of the national and institutional opposition.

« This will make it possible to support Morocco in the sporting, development and human rights challenges that are looming on the horizon, while ensuring the effective implementation of the new development model, until now neglected within the government agenda“, he concludes.

It should be noted that the PLF 2025, according to the same ministry report, highlights four major priorities, namely the continued strengthening of the pillars of the social state, the consolidation of the investment dynamic and the creation of jobs, the continued implementation of structural reforms as well as the preservation of the sustainability of public finances.



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