Gérard Larcher “stunned” by the president’s words

Gérard Larcher “stunned” by the president’s words
Gérard Larcher “stunned” by the president’s words

Was the head of state “aware of what happened during the Shoah?” Emmanuel Macron must respond this Thursday, October 17 to the blunt sermon of the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher, outraged by the remarks attributed to the Head of State on the birth of Israel. “To doubt the existence of Israel touches on fundamental questions for me.”

On Europe 1 and CNews, the third figure of the State lost his temper, directly targeting the President of the Republic by accusing him of “misunderstanding of the history of the birth of Israel”. At issue are statements by the Head of State reported by participants in the Council of Ministers on Tuesday. “Mr Netanyahu must not forget that his country was created by a UN decision,” said Emmanuel Macron according to these sources, while the war in Gaza and Lebanon was being discussed.

“I have been amazed that these remarks could be made“, Gérard Larcher was indignant in reference to Tuesday’s declarations on the creation of Israel. According to the President of the Senate, the birth of Israel “did not come as a notarial act only noted by the UN”.

Israel’s right to exist is neither debatable nor negotiable.

Gérard Larcher

“Did Emmanuel Macron remember the Balfour Declaration? Was he aware of what happened during the Shoah and after the Shoah?” affirming that there was “a sort of doubt” that the head of state could question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. “I don’t suspect him of anything, I say that Israel’s right to exist is neither debatable nor negotiable“, he added again.

This lively sermon joins other indignant reactions observed within the Macronist camp in the National Assembly, the group of deputies Together for the Republic. The former president of the group Sylvain Maillard had in fact confirmed on Wednesday “somewhat heated discussions” internally on the messaging loop of EPR deputies.

Caroline Yadan, the deputy for the 8th constituency of French people established outside , including Israel, had criticized X for an “unworthy” sentence. “The Jewish people’s connection to the land of Israel did not need the UN to existZionism is a dream several thousand years old and to reduce Israel to a single UN decision is to deny the history of the Jewish people and their legitimate and historical link to this land,” she said.

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