Airfare prices could drop by 30% this summer

Airfare prices could drop by 30% this summer
Airfare prices could drop by 30% this summer

Tourists are accustomed to criticizing Corsica for the high cost of its transport. Local tourism professionals too. When it comes to air transport, vacationers and those in the field could well put their opinions into perspective this season.

Eligible accommodations

The change can be seen in the significant drop in the price of plane tickets. This Friday, this development was illustrated in the signing, on the one hand, of an agreement between the Corsican Tourism Agency (ATC) there regional federation of tourist offices and tourist offices of Corsica (Frotsi) And Air Corsica, then between the airline and each tourist office operating travel and accommodation. The partnership established at the institutional level endorses an innovative model.

In detail, tourist offices will sell Air Corsica tickets. They will benefit from promotional rates on flights operated by the Corsican aircraft manufacturer. The reductions could reach up to 30% of the initial price. “The pricing effort“consented by the carrier”in order to convince more and more visitors to come to Corsica”according to the formula of Marie-Hélène Casanova – Servas, president of the supervisory board of Air Corsica, is subject to a condition: the ticket must be part of a set, in other words “a tourist offer structured around eligible accommodation, that is to say a hotel, a campsite and accommodation with the Gîtes de France label“, explain the partners.

The intercommunal tourist offices (OIT) of L’Île-Rousse-Balagneof Sartenais Valinco Taravo-Proprianoof Porticcio, Ornano and Taravo as well as Ajaccian country, have paved the way today for the commercialization of “cPreferred cost tickets. “They will be followed very soon by Calvi Balagne, Bastia and byBonifacio municipal tourist office“, complete Attilius Ceccaldipresident of Frotsi.

The approach is also designed as a promotional tool event. “These same offices will benefit from preferential rates as part of the organization of promotional events intended to promote the tourist attractiveness of the territories concerned. we add.

Thanks to this system, Air Corsica is banking on “an increase in its traffic outside the public service”. The company hopes “capture an ever-increasing share of tourist flows and business customers” all in “continuing the joint work undertaken for a long time with local socio-professionals“, assures the president of the supervisory board.

Angèle Bastiani, president of the ATC, says she feels a double political satisfaction through “support provided to the professional accommodation sector” and in “influencing the price of transport considered as one of the obstacles to the attractiveness of the destination”. She recalls it willingly, “This initiative has its origins in the workshops that we organized last December with carriers and offices.”. It now remains to test it in the field.



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