A successful day of intercommunal cohesion

A successful day of intercommunal cohesion
A successful day of intercommunal cohesion

Initiated by Olivier Martin, president of the community of communes of Cèze Cévennes, the intercommunal cohesion day was intended to be intergenerational and aimed to bring together municipal and intercommunal stakeholders.

Organized in the rural setting of the Jacques-Frizon space in Foussignargues by Julie Renard and Ophélie Mikolajczak with the help of Sandra, Jean-François, Sandrine and Florian, this meeting aimed to improve the quality of life at work for staff.

Meeting with firefighters and police

Various activities, the park offers an educational circuit addressing different themes in the morning (raising awareness of visual disabilities, local producers, particularly agricultural producers, catering and accommodation in the region, the importance of cycling, etc.) .

At midday, an invitation to share the tempting meals of a Spanish inn, in the afternoon meetings with representatives of the fire brigade and the gendarmerie, yoga and survival exercises informed and brought the participants together. They could discover new perspectives or unusual techniques. They were also encouraged, to say the least, to compare their activities, and sometimes to put their competitiveness into play in friendly confrontations.

A consensual day, benefiting from beautiful sunshine, whose recreational aspect was an encouragement to play as a team to surpass oneself and improve one’s performance.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 33 19 01 73



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