“Our children are afraid”… What should we do with a violent student in this school west of ?

“Our children are afraid”… What should we do with a violent student in this school west of ?
“Our children are afraid”… What should we do with a violent student in this school west of Toulouse?

the essential
A CM1 student, educated at the Saint-Exupéry school in Cornebarrieu, is said to be the source of violent behavior towards other students and teachers. The child’s parents and the educational community are looking for solutions to enroll him in an establishment adapted to his disorders.

This is the story of Gabin*, a CM1 student who has been attending the Saint-Exupéry school in Cornebarrieu for two years. The child suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which causes disruptions in the establishment. At issue: his occasional outbursts of violence.

Anonymously, a school teacher from the school comes out of silence. He points out the “dangerousness” of this student, aged less than ten years old. “At the beginning, when he arrived, he was less aggressive than today,” he notes. Since the start of the school year, the situation at school has deteriorated due to new acts of violence.

“The administrative procedures turn out to be particularly long”

Recently, Gabin has sometimes exhibited behavior described as uncontrollable. In the playground, the latter allegedly behaved violently with a student. Recently, one of his mistresses was the victim of beatings on the legs. According to our information, she filed a complaint. “We are helpless when faced with a violent student who should be educated in Itep, however, the administrative procedures are particularly long,” underlines the teacher.

After attacking his teacher, Gabin was excluded from classes for five days. An exceptional measure in the first degree, because it is the maximum sanction that can be inflicted on a child of this age.

Also read:
Teacher violently hit in the face with shoes and crutches by 10-year-old student

The deleterious climate also frightens the parents of Cornebarrieu students. Some have even launched a petition, asking the rectorate services to act for the child in the first place. “This situation is unbearable,” laments a mother of a student, whose child attends the Saint-Exupéry school. “We demand appropriate care for Gabin, and quickly!” Others, more worried, confide: “our children are afraid when they know that Gabin is going to return to class.” For the moment, no solution for placing the child in a specialized school has been found.

Impossible placement?

Contacted on this subject, the father of the child said he was “shocked” by the attitude of certain parents of students. “They claim to want to help him, but we have never been contacted directly,” he regrets. He also notes “the lack of means” that teachers have to carry out their profession.

Gabin’s mother also expresses the wish to “not socially cut off” her son. Together, the two parents deplore that “we have not received any referral to appropriate services” in the child’s interest. They also highlight a lack of teacher training in the care of students with ADHD.

Also read:
: these students with disruptive and violent behavior who degenerate the school climate

Today, the educational community and Gabin’s parents are desperately looking for a suitable establishment near Cornebarrieu. But you have to be patient. If Gabin were to be assigned to an educational and pedagogical therapeutic institute (Itep), this transfer could only be done subject to validation from the Departmental House for Disabled People (MDPH)… Which could take “six to eight months”, depending on a source close to the case. Additionally, these specialist schools only offer a very limited number of places each year.

The Toulouse rectorate specifies that it works closely with the district academic inspector and the parents of the student concerned, with the aim of offering them education in a suitable structure. “We want what is best for our son,” demand Gabin’s parents, who will continue to cooperate with the management of Saint-Exupéry and the academic inspectorate so that the latter finally flourishes in class.

*The child’s first name has been changed.


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