Focus on greenhouse gas emissions in

Focus on greenhouse gas emissions in
Focus on greenhouse gas emissions in France

Transcription of the first minutes of the podcast:

– Sud Radio, André Bercoff.
– It rocks quite a bit.
– Bercoff in all his states, it rocks quite a bit on Sud Radio.
– We’re screwed, we’re eating too much.
– But what will we do when we grow up? We’re screwed, we’re eating too much.
– Papa Mambo.
– We’re screwed, we’re eating too much.
– So here, we have just heard Alain Souchon, Papa Mambo, who tells us we are screwed, we eat too much, Alain.
– André.
– Yes, so I’ll tell you, I don’t know if we’re screwed because we eat too much, but we’re already screwed.
-And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.
– Because the Earth, yes, yes, that’s it, it’s going to disappear.
– Listen to what was said on television.
– Listen carefully.
– Before developing all these titles, let’s stop for a few seconds on some information that comes to us straight from New York.
– If we are to believe the director of the United Nations environment office in New York, several countries could disappear beneath the waves within 10 years if global warming continues.
– It’s hot or it will be hot again.
– And the warming of the Earth, even if some do not dare, without complaint, risks having dramatic consequences by the end of the century, in just 10 years.
– The Sun’s rays, after reflection on the Earth, should return to the cosmos.
– But due to daily industrial pollution which forms a sort of opaque layer, the rays are trapped by this layer and this is the greenhouse effect with the melting of the ice cap.
– As a direct consequence, sea levels could rise by 1 meter, which would be enough to flood areas.
– That is to say entire areas of the 5 continents.
– A sixth of Bangladesh, for example, could be invaded by the sea, causing famine and the exodus of a quarter of its population.
– The Maldives, Seychelles, Caribbean, Netherlands, Leeward Islands and many other low-lying island nations are at risk of being virtually submerged.
– And what would become of Venice, already under threat? But how sad it is, Venice.
– But it’s terrible.
– Can you imagine? Sunken cities.
– The melting ice cap.
– But it’s terrifying.
– There you go, I couldn’t not tell you.
– Ah but wait, wait, there is a small problem.
– Do you know when this information was given? Disseminated this information? In 1999 by Henri Sagné on Antenne 2.
– It wasn’t 2, it was Antenne 2, therefore Henri Sagné.
– That’s it, and the end of the century was obviously the year 2000.
– 35 years later…
– Again, the ice cap has not melted.
– Cities are not…
– The Maldives were not submerged.
– But what’s going on? Are we being told stories? Are they hiding everything from us, telling us nothing? We are going to talk about it with Benoît Riteau.
– Hello Benoît Riteau.
– Bonjour.
– You are a mathematician, you are an essayist.
– You wrote a book last year that we appreciated,…

AI-generated transcription



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