Jean-Louis Thiériot promises to be “as effective as possible for Seine-et-

Jean-Louis Thiériot promises to be “as effective as possible for Seine-et-
Jean-Louis Thiériot promises to be “as effective as possible for Seine-et-Marne”


Geoffrey Faucheux

Published on

Oct 8, 2024 at 7:08 p.m.

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Mayor of Beauvoir from 2008 to 2018, president of the Department from March to July 2018, but above all deputy of the 3e Seine-et-Marne constituency since July 2018, Jean-Louis Thiériot55, specialist in defense issues, was appointed Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sebastien LecornuFriday September 27. He will take care of veterans and the memory and will also be entrusted with missions in international fields, territorial influence of the ministry and ecological transition. For The Republic of Seine-et-Marnehe looks back on his first steps in government and ensures that he keeps a close eye on his territory. Interview.

RSM77: What are your feelings following this appointment?

Humility, respect, seriousness. I think the situation is anything but euphoric. I am therefore very focused on serving the country as best as possible. What’s more, I am joining a ministry not quite like the others, since it is the Ministry of the Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs, which deals with the life and death of men and women, all in a extremely tense geopolitical context. This therefore calls for particular gravity.

RSM77: How were your first steps as minister?

This Monday (interview conducted on September 30, editor’s note), for my first real day in this new role, I wanted to do two actions which symbolize what I care about. I started with a visit to Les Invalides, to greet the wounded who are rebuilding with great courage following the numerous Opex (external operations, editor’s note). Then, I led the rekindling of the flame under the Arc de Triomphe in tribute to those who fell for .

RSM77: What are your priorities for Veterans?

My role is that of Minister for the Armed Forces and Veterans, so I will also have an international dimension and military diplomacy. As for veterans, the three areas of work are the gratitude we owe to our soldiers, transmission and memory.

RSM77: Will you keep a close eye on your constituency?

We only defend on a large scale what we love on a small scale. I am a local elected official and I will remain elected in the Department and in Beauvoir. I will make sure to use the fact of being a minister to be as effective as possible for the territory. I say, jokingly, “You will now have both a deputy and a minister,” but I will obviously be both at the same time.

RSM77: You positioned yourself against the Crisenoy prison. Will you continue to follow the subject closely?

This is one of the files that will have to be examined, but it is not within my scope of action. I am already trying to put in place what needs to be put in place within my ministry. However, if I am contacted on this subject, I will not fail to take a particular look at this matter.

RSM77: On October 27, you will give up your position as deputy to Michel Gonord, do you have a word about him?

He is someone I have absolute trust in. He is an excellent mayor very attached to his town of Champagne-sur-Seine. Working hand in hand with him is a strength for the territory and for the work he will do in the Assembly.

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