Quincke’s edema or anaphylactic shock, doubts about the circumstances of death

Quincke’s edema or anaphylactic shock, doubts about the circumstances of death
Quincke’s edema or anaphylactic shock, doubts about the circumstances of death

An essential face of French cinema since the mid-1970s, actor and director Michel Blanc died on the night of Thursday October 3 to Friday October 4.

Gérard Jugnot, one of his partners in the Splendid troupe, was the first to communicate information on the cause of this death which shocked both the cinema industry and the general public. “ I think I was told he had a huge allergy.anaphylactic shock on a medication », indicated the actor on RTL Friday morning.

This would have taken place alongside a medical examination. Quickly, the hypothesis of an allergy to a contrast product used in particular for MRIs was raised.

But according to Marianne journalist Laurent Valdiguié, such a product was not administered to the actor, and for good reason: “ He had an appointment for a routine ultrasound of his lower back.he had kidney painhe explained on the BFMTV set. He had consulted a doctor who prescribed a typical antibiotic for possible kidney infections. He had apparently taken it that morning. » This could be the cause of the allergic reaction, even if there is nothing to confirm this with certainty.

Still according to Mr. Valdiguié, Michel Blanc complained of an itchy neck. After alerting the medical examination office, a first Samu team, then a second, arrived on site. “ They diagnosed angioedema “, continues Marianne’s journalist.

It translates to “ rapid swelling of the skin and mucous membranes of the head and neck », Explains Health Insurance, and must be taken care of urgently. Neck swelling can quickly obstruct the airways.

The cause of this angioedema is generally allergic: it “ results from the release of histaminedevelops health insurance, secreted by certain white blood cells after exposure of the body to allergens “. These most often come from food (seafood, nuts, etc.), insect bites, but can also be of medicinal origin.

The actor would then “ goes into anaphylactic shock »continues Laurent Valdiguié, confirming the first elements mentioned by Gérard Jugnot. It is “ the most severe form of anaphylaxis “, being herself ” the most severe manifestation of allergy » and of which angioedema is one of the forms, indicates Inserm.

Michel Blanc then suffered a cardiac arrest, then was stabilized by Samu before being transported to intensive care at Saint-Antoine hospital. He would have suffered 5 cardiac arrests between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. », specifies Laurent Valdiguié. A sixth would have been fatal.



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