EVENING FACT In Les Angles, a mother of three children threatened with eviction

EVENING FACT In Les Angles, a mother of three children threatened with eviction
EVENING FACT In Les Angles, a mother of three children threatened with eviction

A mother is close to eviction from her rental accommodation in Les Angles, due to unpaid bills and an unstable family situation. State of affairs.

The boxes are already packed, as if, in her head, she had already left. Déborah Santos lives alone with her three children, aged 16, 12 and 9, in a small house rented from an owner in a subdivision in Angles. Today, this mother is going through a real ordeal. She finds herself in an impasse, on the verge of expulsion.

It all started with a marital separation a few months after moving in: “My ex-husband left in May 2019, leaving me here alone with my three children. As alimony, he paid me the rest of the house, excluding APL. At one point they couldn’t draw down that amount and it piled up. »

Steps were taken by the Isère resident of Portuguese origin to get out of the quagmire, but the mishaps kept coming: “I went to see the social worker, we made a request for FSL (housing solidarity fund, Editor’s note) to cover this debt. But in the meantime, it had increased and during that period, I was unemployed, so I didn’t even receive 800 euros per month”remembers the tenant on the verge of tears.

A race against time

After receiving a notice of eviction by mail, a race against time begins: “I made a request to the execution judge. We have had two extra months, so the eviction should take place from October 1st”she fears, while looking for an alternative to find a home for herself and her children, who go to school in Les Angles.

“Monsieur is still on the lease, but everyone is turning against me”

While waiting to decide on her fate, a solution is offered to the school bus driver: find smaller accommodation. “I visited a semi-social apartment with two bedrooms. The children know that we will have to move quickly,” she indicates.

A sign of an imminent departure, the mother put away bags filled with clothes and children’s toys. • E.R

The thirty-year-old tries to make herself heard: “I also made a request for a Dalo file (Enforceable right to housing, Editor’s note) in July to be given priority. It was refused to me because I did not have the over-indebtedness document. The problem right now is that the gentleman is still on the lease, but everyone is turning against me because I’m here and he left five years ago. »

Its situation could therefore be resolved quickly in the next two weeks, since the winter break law prohibits the exclusion of tenants between November 1 and March 31. For people likely to be evicted, it is possible to contact, for example, the ADHL, the Departmental Housing and Housing Agency, which has a mobile team for the prevention of rental evictions (Empex).



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