what to remember from Michel Barnier’s speech?

what to remember from Michel Barnier’s speech?
what to remember from Michel Barnier’s speech?

It’s now a habit for Michel Barnier. During his general policy speech, Tuesday 1is October, the Prime Minister did not fail to link financial debt and “ecological debt” throughout the first half of his speech, mirroring two “swords of Damocles”. Since 2022, the Prime Minister has also been in charge of ecological and energy planning “This priority has accompanied me throughout my public life (…) will be at the heart of our action”he assured, referring in particular to his past as minister of the environment (1993-1995) and agriculture (2007-2009).

Way of emphasizing in form, that the ecological transition will be present, even if it does not appear in the “five priority projects” listed during this one-hour speech (“standard of living”, « services publics », ” security “, « immigration » et “fraternity”). But without reassuring environmental associations and the fight against energy poverty.

Because if Michel Barnier sought to give guarantees on planning, he also announced a remodeling of two texts resulting from the Climate and Resilience law of 2021, on the renovation of buildings and the objective of zero net artificialization.

► The ecological transition, « driving force of our industrial policy »

The words used draw a form of continuity with the action initiated since the start of the five-year term. Advocating a “ecology of solutions”Michel Barnier indicated that the ecological transition will be “the engine of our industrial policy”, citing the decarbonization of production sites, the establishment of new factories in the transition sector or even the strengthening of the recycling policy…

Few announcements therefore, but signals. He advocates the continuation of “development of nuclear power (…) but also of renewable energies”.“By better measuring their full impact”he nevertheless insisted, citing wind power about which he had already expressed reservations in the past. While evoking the imperatives “energy efficiency” and of “sobriety”.

While several crucial roadmaps on the transition have been in the drawers for several months (national low carbon strategy, national plan for adaptation to climate change or even energy-climate programming law), he assured that work would resume immediately, without specifying the terms.

Main announcement: the holding of a national conference on water and its strategic issues. To see what form this could take after several consultation exercises in recent years, like the Water Conference launched in 2018 or the Varenne agricultural water concluded in 2022.

► Renovation of buildings: the schedule will be reviewed

The Prime Minister promised that “ the energy performance diagnosis will be simplified and its schedule adapted “. The famous DPE was introduced by the “Climate and Resilience” law of 2021 as a central tool of the renovation policy. It provides information on the energy and climate performance of a home or building (labels A to G). And should make it possible to gradually ban the rental of “thermal strainers”, a way of encouraging owners to speed up renovations.

But the system is being called into question on the right of the political spectrum. It must be said that it is the subject of numerous frauds. Its method of calculation is also highly contested by professionals in the sector and owners’ associations, as is the timetable, which they consider untenable. As of January 1, 2025, the 2 million G-rated housing units, which represent 6.8% of primary residences, can no longer be rented. In 2028, the turn of 3.2 million housing units classified F will normally come.

Here again, we will probably have to wait a few days to find out how Michel Barnier intends to review the calendar. “Postponing the entry into force of the obligation to renovate thermal strainers means condemning millions of households – often the most precarious – to choose between heating themselves and eating properly for several more years”has already expressed concern on Twitter Damien Barbosa, advocacy manager within the Rénovons network.

The Prime Minister also indicated his wish to “ better target support for individuals and businesses, particularly for the thermal renovation of buildings ».

► Evolution of the objective of zero net artificialization

Another signal sent to the right and to some local elected officials: the remodeling of the objective of zero net land use (ZAN). “We must evolve the ZAN regulations in a pragmatic and differentiated manner to meet the needs of industry and housing”he declared. Also adopted as part of the Climate and Resilience Law of 2021, this regulation aims to fight against the artificialization of land. Until 2030, municipalities can continue to build but half as much as during the period 2011-2020.

A first step before 2050, where elected officials will no longer be able to concrete over natural or agricultural land, unless they de-artificialize an equivalent surface area. After a revolt from certain local elected officials who considered the text as inapplicable, the terms were relaxed in 2023. Insufficient, according to the Association of Mayors of , which published a survey on this subject in July, judging the terms still too complex.

This again does not fail to alarm associations for the protection of living things, while urbanization is one of the primary causes of erosion of biodiversity.



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