Rapid emergency intervention avoids the worst in

A fire broke out in a shed in on Saturday September 28, around 3:30 p.m. Firefighters quickly intervened to bring the fire under control.

A fire threatens neighboring homes

The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service was alerted for a fire in the town ofAmiens. On their arrival, the relief discovered that the shed was completely engulfed in flames, posing a serious risk of propagation to neighboring accommodation.

Responsiveness and efficiency of firefighters

Fortunately, thanks to the reactivity firefighters on site, the interiors of adjacent houses were able to be saved. Only the façades have suffered damage. The rapid intervention helped protect residents and their property.

No casualties to report

Although the fire was spectacular, no victim is not to be deplored. The effective intervention of the emergency services made it possible to contain the material damage.

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Independent author and journalist! Passionate about cycling in the Bay of Somme (the most beautiful landscape in the world ;-)) – Picard at heart!

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