Ségolène Royal judges that “if she had been a man”, she would have “been received” by Emmanuel Macron for Matignon

Ségolène Royal judges that “if she had been a man”, she would have “been received” by Emmanuel Macron for Matignon
Ségolène Royal judges that “if she had been a man”, she would have “been received” by Emmanuel Macron for Matignon

The former presidential candidate returned to her declaration of candidacy to become Prime Minister. She regrets never having been approached by the Élysée.

Almost three weeks after the arrival of Michel Barnier at Matignon, the choice of Emmanuel Macron still does not pass for Ségolène Royal. The socialist, who was a presidential candidate in 2007 and a minister on several occasions, had proposed her name to become Prime Minister.

“I didn’t want it to be said that the left was slipping away. There was a search for experienced political profiles so I said to myself ‘I’m going to position myself in relation to that'”, explained this Friday morning on info the one who was once an ambassador of the Poles.

“So obvious”

Without success. Emmanuel Macron obviously never considered this avenue seriously, preferring to study the profile of former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve or even Xavier Bertrand before finally selecting Michel Barnier.

“I am a woman too. I think that if I had been a man, I would have been received (by the Élysée). It is so obvious. I take note of it because the road is still long for the ’emancipation of women”, still regrets Ségolène Royal.

“Some politicians don’t like women who are their equals”

At the end of August, the former Minister of Ecology under François Hollande nevertheless said she was “available” for Matignon, citing as “priorities” “just order” which she had already made a campaign theme in 2007, “l ‘future of young people’ and the ‘restoration of public accounts’.

“Certain politicians don’t like women who are their equal. I’m different but I’m your equal, that’s all. In the question of discrimination against women, this is a demonstration,” he further argued. Ségolène Royal on France info.

If Emmanuel Macron maintained good relations with her for a time when he became Minister of the Economy in 2014, their relations deteriorated significantly after 2017.

Since her accession to the Élysée, the socialist has not spared her criticism of Emmanuel Macron, of her “darling” Nicolas Hulot, just appointed to Ecology, and of his management of the Yellow Vest crisis. including pension reform.



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