Blanzy « Montceau News | Information from Montceau les Mines and its region

Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 05:18

At the Haigneré high school, screening of the film “Hell” against harassment

It was the big day, this Thursday, September 19, for the students of the first ASSP class at the Haigneré high school: the screening of the short film on harassment that they shot in June, “Hell”.

A first screening took place at noon for the teaching team and the students.
For the 6:00 p.m. event, several parents and friends came to join the spectators.

At the end of the screening, a round of applause greeted the work accomplished and the result presented.

Indeed, this 23-minute short film is a great success. The young actors play well, they are perfectly in time and tone. Bruno Grandi’s original music blends perfectly with the images and emotions aroused. The editing produced by Atelier Numérique is rhythmic and takes the viewer into this story of harassment. A heavy subject addressed without taboo and with a beautiful production.

“We had a great experience. The students followed and got fully involved,” emphasizes professor Marie Gauthier.

“This short film will be able to continue its life by participating in a “No to Harassment” competition. The challenge to be achieved in order to apply is to present a 2-minute teaser. Which will not be the easiest,” explains Bruno Grandi.

“This short film could also be used in middle schools to combat harassment,” continues Céline Commeau, a teacher and librarian, “congratulating the students and the adults supervising them.”

The shooting:

JL Pradines










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