Christophe Cordella receives the Gisèle-Lamoureux prize

Christophe Cordella receives the Gisèle-Lamoureux prize
Christophe Cordella receives the Gisèle-Lamoureux prize

Quebec’s chief scientist, Rémi Quirion, revealed the names of the winners of the Publication in French prize last June, including Christophe Cordella, assistant professor at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

He won the Gisèle-Lamoureux Prize of June 2024 from the Fonds de recherche du Québec, Nature and technologies sector, for his publication entitled “Maple syrup – Part 1: market, production and physicochemistry”. His article was published in Annals of falsifications, chemical and toxicological expertise.

Professor in the Department of Food Sciences, Christophe Cordella has recognized expertise in analytical chemistry, particularly in non-invasive analysis techniques and chemometrics. This expertise is notably applied in the field of food fraud detection. He is also a specialist in beehive products, such as honey.

At Université , he plans to create a taste and odor digitalization laboratory that will bring together the instruments and skills needed to create rapid, high-throughput chemical analysis methods coupled with the development of chemometrics and artificial intelligence tools for anti-fraud applications and the rapid characterization of foods and biological products of animal or environmental origin.

The Gisèle-Lamoureux Prize

The objectives of this prize are to promote and disseminate research publications in French in Quebec and among the French-speaking world, to encourage free access to research publications in French and to recognize the social relevance and impact of Quebec research.



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