Why are the traffic lights on Boulevard Chanzy no longer working?

Why are the traffic lights on Boulevard Chanzy no longer working?
Why are the traffic lights on Boulevard Chanzy no longer working?

This has been going on for several weeks. Chanzy Boulevardin Sedan, the two traffic lights are out of order, as are those located at the intersection of the boulevard, at the level of rue Vesseron-Lejay.

A failure that challenges the residentsespecially on social networks. It’s been almost two months since this happened. “, believes this local resident. “ Surely a missing part to repair “, tries to explain another Internet user.

Two breakdowns in quick succession

These faulty lights worry some motorists. I always take this boulevard to go to the speech therapist, and it’s a roadvery dangerous “, testifies this Internet user.

But then why don’t the lights work normally anymore? Contacted by The Ardennesthe City of Sedan provided the answer: “ Two successive breakdowns affected the control modules. These modules are no longer manufactured, so the entire electrical cabinet must be replaced. The situation should return to normal by the beginning of October. »

Which rule applies?

As a reminder, when a traffic light is out of order, the rule of priority to the right applies, unless a panel indicates the opposite as is the case here. On the two lights that make up the boulevard de Chanzy, a sign “priority at all intersections” is hung. Which therefore means that the boulevard Chanzy is a priority road.



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