Dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: LFI text about to pass first stage in the National Assembly this Tuesday morning

Dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: LFI text about to pass first stage in the National Assembly this Tuesday morning
Dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: LFI text about to pass first stage in the National Assembly this Tuesday morning

The impeachment procedure against Macron launched by the group La Insoumise could be deemed admissible in the National Assembly. The admissibility of this initiative will be examined this Tuesday morning.

This Tuesday morning, September 17, starting at 9:30 a.m., the office of the National Assembly will have to examine the admissibility of the initiative of La France Insoumise to dismiss Emmanuel Macron from the presidency of the Republic. An important first step that could succeed thanks to the support of environmentalists, communists and even socialists who have declared that they will not obstruct this approach, indicates The World.

The majority in the Assembly office, acquired on July 19 by the New Popular Front, allowed the LFI group to threaten Emmanuel Macron with impeachment proceedings as early as August 17 if he did not appoint Lucie Castet as Prime Minister. Once the candidate for Matignon was ousted from the race for Matignon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party therefore submitted this text. With the left-wing coalition benefiting from 12 positions out of the 22 possible, this first step in a long process has a good chance of being validated.

Next step: the Law Commission

As a reminder, according to article 68 of the Constitution, “the President of the Republic may only be dismissed in the event of a breach of his duties which is manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate”, remember The Parisian. The failure “may be characterized by political or private behavior”, adds the Vie Publique website.

Once this proposal is adopted, it will be “sent for examination to the standing committee responsible for constitutional laws, which concludes with its adoption or rejection”, explains the law. Problem: the New Popular Front does not hold a majority in the Law Commission. But in the event of victory, it will have to be included in the following 13 days on the agenda of the National Assembly. The vote will take place, at the latest, on the fifteenth day, our colleagues specify.



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