Forecast for a white Christmas 2024: Weather expert reveals percentage chance of snow

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Stand: October 21, 2024, 10:45 a.m

Von: Dominik Jung


Will it finally snow again at Christmas 2024? For many people in Germany this is a real pipe dream, but nothing is impossible this year.

Frankfurt – The question of whether it will snow at Christmas 2024 is already on many people’s minds. White Christmas – a dream of many – is no longer a given in Germany. However, qualified meteorologist Dominik Jung from warns against raising hopes too early. “Long-term forecasts are risky, and even if there are signs of lower temperatures, it is not possible to say exactly whether snow will fall,” said Jung.

Before the weekend, Jung had evaluated the new data from the CFS model for the coming months. January in particular could be unusually warm. “If these data hold true, we will have another record-mild winter ahead,” he predicts.

Winter weather forecast: How likely is snow at Christmas?

Statistically speaking, the chances of a white Christmas are poor – especially in lower parts of Germany. In recent decades it has become clear that snow on Christmas Eve has become rare. In northern and central Germany the probability is just 10 to 20 percent. The prospects are only better in the higher altitudes of the Alps and low mountain ranges, where snowy weather is almost a tradition.

“Climate change of course has an influence on this development. Milder winters are the new normal, but cold surprises are still possible,” emphasizes Jung.

Snow for Christmas? This has often been a pipe dream in recent years. © picture alliance/Frank Rumpenhorst

Less and less snow in Germany?

Climate change is showing clear signs – even in winter. Over the last 30 years, the number of snow days has fallen dramatically. Winter is becoming more and more frequent, especially in cities and lower regions. “The chances of snow at Christmas are significantly lower today than they were 50 years ago,” explains Jung.

Nevertheless, there are always exceptional winters that could surprise us with frost and snow. “It remains unpredictable. Winter could strike suddenly – or be very mild,” says Jung.

Why do so many people want a white Christmas?

For many, snow at Christmas is the epitome of romance and contemplation. The white blanket adds something magical to the holiday spirit. “The desire for a white Christmas is deeply rooted in our culture,” says Jung. Films, stories and traditions reinforce this image. Snow symbolizes calm, peace and security – and that’s exactly what many people are looking for at Christmas time. – the weather in a nutshell!

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Whether it will snow at Christmas 2024 remains uncertain. Weather models are constantly changing and forecasts are often only accurate a few days in advance. One thing is certain, however: the hope for a white Christmas remains – even in a changing climate.

But for now, summer is returning. According to Jung, there will be an extensive high over Eastern Europe in the new week (from October 21st), which will reach as far as Germany and ensure golden October weather here. “It’s T-shirt weather again in Germany and right in the middle of the second half of October. That’s pretty unusual.” Bad storms are currently hitting Italy with dangerous floods.



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