A tribute to Paul, a young cyclist killed in , this Saturday October 19 in

The Tous à vélo association! -Agglo is coordinating the tribute which will be paid this Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 5:45 p.m., on the square in front of the Cholet town hall (Maine-et-).

A first tribute was paid on October 16 at Place de la Madeleine in . | PHOTOPQR/LE PARISIEN/MAXPPP


  • A first tribute was paid on October 16 at Place de la Madeleine in Paris. | PHOTOPQR/LE PARISIEN/MAXPPP

The emotion does not subside after the death of cyclist Paul Varry, 27, mowed down at the start of the week by a motorist in Paris. Tributes will multiply on Saturday October 19 in many cities in .

In Cholet (Maine-et-Loire), the Tous à vélo! Cholet-Agglo calls on those who wish to meet at 5:45 p.m. on the square in front of the town hall.

Also read: Cholet has 59 km of cycle paths and will have 5.7 km more by the end of 2024

“This accident is stirring. It echoes a certain number of situations that cyclists may have encountered on the roads of Choletais. But that is not the objective of incriminating anyone. No one is perfect on a bike or behind the wheel. Even today we see it, it is important to educate all road users to cohabitis » , enjoins Baptiste Durand, president of the Cholet association. It invites all road users: motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, “elected officials including to take stock of the safety equipment that remains to be built”. People wishing to share an experience will be able to speak.



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