Once a year, wakes up to the rhythm of sneakers, hitting the wet pavement (see our other article). She puts on her multi-colored swimsuits, white socks and tight shorts. In the warmth of autumn, under the gray sky, the Sunday runners take off in search of only personal exploits. They relax their calves, tense their faces. At the end of their journey, the cuts for some, the sweat and satisfaction for all.

Over 10 kilometers, it was Valentin Poulin who was the first to reach the finish line in 30 minutes and 38 seconds. He leaves Gwen Duval behind, 4 seconds behind, followed closely by Pierre Couzinier in 30’58. Bringing up the rear, Éloi Ramette finished dead last in 1:53:44. Among the women, Agathe Guillemot, who had been left a few months earlier at the Stade de , in the final of the Olympic 1,500 meters, set off in a 10 kilometer race. She did honor to her new playing field. “Here in Rennes, we quickly find our bearings, it’s a bit like at the Stade de France,” she explained to our colleague West France.

The runner not only met the challenge, she did better. In 34’02, she added her name to the Tout Rennes Court prize list, setting the course record. Zoé Marques (36’08) and Léna Guegan (38’11) could only lose to the Rennaise, whose determination was as solid as her strides.

Among the youngest girls, Lucile Guérin-Laumonnier (with her family) finished first in 8’19 in the two kilometers.

The half marathon was early in the morning. Hamza El Ouardi, prince of the Rennes cobblestones that day, set off like a racing car, crossing the 21.097 kilometers in 1 hour 7’54. Behind him, Alexis Guerot tried to follow. But faced with the metronomic regularity of his rival, he finished in an honorable second place with a time of 1h 8’18. As for Giovanni Betin, he took the third step of the podium in 1 h 9’15. But the real heroine of this half-marathon is undoubtedly Camille Chevestrier, last with a time of 3h 4’59. Where others would have given up, she persevered!

On the women’s side, the competition was no less arduous. Anaïs Chevrier crossed the line in 1h18’02, with the ease of a champion. Behind her, Laure Bertrand only gave up 40 seconds, while Fanny Malagré completed this women’s podium in 1 hour 19’24. Over 5 kilometers, Teo Banini (14’23) finished first ahead of Ewen Toulgoat (14’25). Among the women, Lucas Adeline (16’15) is ahead of Zoé Marques (17″20) who also finished second in the half-marathon. See the results.



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