the government’s emergency plan

the government’s emergency plan
the government’s emergency plan

Faced with the flooding of the Senegal and Gambia rivers, the Minister of the Interior, Jean Baptiste Tine, announced on Sunday that measures are underway to help the victims. These actions are part of an Emergency Flood Response Plan, established following an interministerial meeting on September 17, 2024.

Regional authorities, active since the start of the rainy season, will issue pre-alerts and direct relief operations. The minister calls for vigilance and calm among the affected populations, while expressing his compassion.

He specified that water levels have exceeded alert thresholds in several areas along the rivers, already causing significant material damage in Matam and Tambacounda. Saint-Louis could be the next region affected.

A flood wave is expected in Bakel, resulting from exceptionally high water flows attributed to climate change. The government is closely monitoring the situation in collaboration with the organizations that manage the Senegal and Gambia rivers.



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