Screen time among young people: a father invents a device to encourage physical activity

Screen time among young people: a father invents a device to encourage physical activity
Screen time among young people: a father invents a device to encourage physical activity

A father from Lévis has taken to heart the problem of screens and social networks among young people by inventing a device that uses a screen as motivation to do physical activity.

Named Motivélo, the module designed by Pierre Guillemette is connected to a stationary bike and a tablet. When you pedal, the show you are watching is activated. It stops when no movement is detected.

With this invention, Mr. Guillemette wanted to encourage his son, who suffers from Tourette syndrome, to combine screen time with physical activity.

“Perhaps this is one more step of [se dire] : I really like cycling, I might go outside. I’ve been cycling a lot, I’m going to go read,” explained the inventor in an interview with LCN.

“Instead of asking for more [de temps] screen, once the exercise is done, we can go and do something else,” he added.

His boy obviously likes the new machine and admitted to having a “stomach” during one of his last training sessions on the Motivélo, the heat was so oppressive.

The father carried out a pilot project in a school in Quebec and hopes that this creation can be used in other schools in the province.

Watch the full interview in the video above



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