Moudon: a school activity is not unanimous among parents

Moudon: a school activity is not unanimous among parents
Moudon: a school activity is not unanimous among parents

As the summer holidays approach, schools tend to organize less studious days. This sometimes results in fun, sporting or even community activities. At the Moudon secondary school (VD), Monday, the day revolved around the theme of sustainability. No fewer than 170 students were tasked with collecting the village’s trash. But given the nature of some of the waste found on the ground, this was not at all to the taste of the father of one of them, who believes that it would have been more “the work of the roads”.

Excrement, beer cans and “handkerchiefs full of m****”: this disgusted dad sent us photos of one of the sites allegedly cleaned by the students. A place that is similar to “a squat”, where people have the habit of “going to urinate” according to the Vaudois. He believes that it is not appropriate to take 14-year-old students there: “It’s extremely creepy… They could have limited this action around the school,” he laments. I find it almost dangerous, there could be something that could contaminate a student.” Another mother also complained to a teacher.

“The teacher in charge of the activity prohibited the students from approaching the cover and did not force anyone to collect the waste there,” assures David Moullet, director of the school. He mentions that another class found a syringe elsewhere and that, again, no student was allowed to pick it up and that the roads department was contacted. The man also specifies that the students were “equipped with gloves, pliers and vests for safety” and deplores “an unfortunate misunderstanding” with these two parents, while welcoming the civic commitment of the students and the teaching staff, in the framework of this day.



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