Alibaba enters the race for innovative artificial intelligence models

Alibaba enters the race for innovative artificial intelligence models
Alibaba enters the race for innovative artificial intelligence models

Alibaba Cloud, a global leader in information technology and cloud computing, takes a new step in the field of artificial intelligence with the launch of two innovative language models: Qwen-VL and Qwen-VL-Chat. These models, with advanced machine learning capabilities, promise to transform the way we interact with the digital world.

Qwen-VL: A powerful multimodal imaging model

Qwen-VL is a multimodal imaging model that combines language processing and image recognition capabilities to deliver a unique user experience. Based on Alibaba Cloud’s Qwen-7B model, Qwen-VL can understand and process images and text in English and Chinese, paving the way for a multitude of applications.

Advanced features for intuitive interaction

With its deep understanding of visual content, Qwen-VL can generate accurate image descriptions, answer open-ended questions related to images, and even create creative captions. This capability opens new avenues for accessibility, including assisting visually impaired people in their daily activities, such as online shopping.

Qwen-VL-Chat: A conversational AI assistant for richer interactions

Qwen-VL-Chat goes even further by enabling complex conversational interactions with images. This AI model, with sophisticated alignment techniques, offers a range of creative features, such as writing poems and stories inspired by images, synthesizing the content of multiple images, and solving presented math problems in the form of images.

Democratizing AI for a better future

As part of its commitment to democratizing AI technologies, Alibaba Cloud is making Qwen-VL and Qwen-VL-Chat available open-source through its ModelScope community and the Hugging Face collaborative platform. This initiative aims to foster research and innovation in the field of AI, enabling academics, researchers and commercial institutions around the world to harness the potential of these revolutionary models.

Alibaba Cloud’s Qwen-VL and Qwen-VL-Chat represent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, opening up new possibilities for interacting with the digital world and contributing to people’s inclusion disabled. By making these models available as open-source, Alibaba Cloud confirms its commitment to promoting innovation and shaping a better future through AI.



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