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Authentic Beauty in the Age of AI: Reinventing Standards with Dove

Authentic Beauty in the Age of AI: Reinventing Standards with Dove
Authentic Beauty in the Age of AI: Reinventing Standards with Dove

With its long-standing commitment to inclusive beauty, the Dove company is positioned at the heart of this transformation and continues to promote diverse and authentic beauty standards, notably through its new campaign #KeepBeautyReal.


With the emergence of image generation tools like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and DALL-E, creating visual representations is more accessible than ever. It is even said that by 2025, nearly 90% of the images we see online will be produced by artificial intelligence. “When we focus on the dangers that these images can have on young people and on ourselves, we realize that we must make even more efforts so that this threat does not erase all work done over the past few years, says Kathryn Holl Fernandez, senior director of Dove North America Social Impact and Engagement. We often don’t realize to what extent we are bombarded with images on a daily basis, whether via social networks or otherwise, and how these can affect us,” she concludes. However, this impressive speed and quality of image construction is not without ethical questions. Inherent biases in the datasets used to train these models inevitably influence the results, often at the expense of diversity and inclusiveness. “It can also become a real problem for the beauty industry in general, in the sense that we take a step back in the lack of diversity, but also in the representation of colors and texture of the skin,” she continues.



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