De Zerbi wants to keep Balerdi, discussions underway…

De Zerbi wants to keep Balerdi, discussions underway…
De Zerbi wants to keep Balerdi, discussions underway…

Good news for Olympique de Marseille! Discussions have begun between the club and Leonardo Balerdi’s entourage for a 2-year contract extension!

After a full season individually, Leonardo Balerdi had no shortage of suitors this summer. However, the Argentine defender shows a desire to stay and impose himself on loon. According to RMC, the player’s clan and the club are discussing a 2-year contract extension for the Argentine defender which is wanted by Roberto De Zerbi. This would be another big blow for the Marseillais!

ALSO READ: Mercato OM: Fabrizio Romano makes a big announcement on the departure of Ndiaye!

“Brassier Balerdi, it could be tough for the attackers”

The 24-year-old central defender Lilian Brassier is announced atOlympic Marseille since several weeks. His teammate at Stade Brestois this season Hugo Magnetti did not hesitate to praise him on the FCM show, “Lilian, what has impressed me the most over the last 2 years is her progress in her recovery quality. It’s true that he has always been a tough man, hard to pass, he goes very, very fast but he has always missed this level of recovery. And frankly this year, in addition to me playing a little more in the middle, he delighted me with a little hidden passes and everything. I think this is what he was missing, if he comes to OM he will bring a very, very big plus to this team. » explains the Brest environment.

« Frankly, he’s a great guy, they say, he’s always the joy of living, a bon vivant, he’s respectful and everything, so that was me, I got on really, really well with him. » he explains about the character of his teammate. “ He has a form of confidence in him which exudes on the pitch but even when we speak with him he has a certain not an arrogance but he knows what he can do, he knows his qualities. And yeah I think he really has the right role to wear this jersey. It is certain that if next year the defense of Olympique de Marseille is Brassier Balerdi it could be hard for the attackers. » adds the Marseille native, who thinks that his teammate has what it takes to be in Marseille.



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